Fred Brason II
Roof top of Dukes Riverside, sunset 6/25/2022 50th Reunion
Reunion Musings for Memory and Motivation
The green and white was brilliantly evident in balloon form, in central Hummelstown. 72’ers gathered to reminisce, update, converse, chow down and drink up, to celebrate the fact we had all graduated 50 years ago and had wonderful years at CD.
Oh, but then, reconvening in larger numbers on the banks of the Susquehanna. Gathering and milling around, catching those we recognized and standing back for some…is that who I think it is?
We reminisced through conversation, food and fellowship, not discussing politics or the issues of the day, the newest trend for foods or fashion. Thankfully, never heard the words arugula, quinoa, brioche or otherwise and certainly glad Mrs. Osman did not throw such words at us for spelling. We delved into really finding out where our friends of 1972 are, what life has been and, yes, for some, the joy of grandkids. I believe most often the conversation surrounded the “R” word, are you retired, where are you living, what was your profession, where have you traveled. On and on and from an observation level, it was a joy to watch and listen.
Each of us caught up with so many who remained in PA or are now in Alabama, South Carolina, Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Delaware, etc. Learning from Gary S. what it was like to teach at CD and have some of our classmates or other CD grads children in class…you are missed Gary. Remembering the fun times hanging at Penny’s house, her parents feeding us well…you will be missed Penny and also learning, thanks Gary B., that I am a “sinner,” that bait casting and not fly fishing is a sin….I am still sinning!
As the evening on the Susquehanna River drew to a close, the wonderful team of organizers gathered to share and receive recognition of their hard work for each of us. Sir Knight stepped up and laid down the gauntlet, “after many reunions, many opinions and weighing the best format, we are staying with this, the 50th going forward, if anyone wants something else, you are free to take over the reins!” Well stated and all your efforts, from each of you to continue, is very much appreciated.
Many then began to gather their belongings to leave and just when you thought it was over, Kathi G-C-R confronts you and says, “we can’t leave yet, too much to still talk about.” Gathering at another table with Chris B, Cindi A, Richard A, Gary B, Kathy and husband, we talked into the wee hours until they asked us to leave in order to close….can’t remember the last time I “closed a bar!” It was great.
Well 72’ers, we are turning 70, what a year to celebrate together. So, whether you missed the 50th or not, plan to join the 52nd , to rekindle relationships and reminisce some more. If you are into prophecy, numerology, providence, luck, stars aligned or anything of that sort, we are scheduled to gather on June 22, 2024…6/22/2024…6+22+20+24=72. Don’t ask me why I figured that, I have no clue.
One last thought, if your bucket list stills holds dreams, make them a reality. Most regrets I have ever encountered are of what one did not do, not what one did. We are only just now turning 70….still plenty of time left…live it up!
See you on the 22nd.
Best, Fred